Social - Ashridge Walk
Kim & Paul (from Tuesday & Friday choirs) invite you to join them on a lovely walk around Ashridge.
11 May 2024, 09:00 – 12:00
Ringshall, Ashridge Visitor Centre, Ringshall, Berkhamsted HP4 1LX, UK
Kim and Paul are planning a walk around Ashridge on Saturday 11th May 2024 and invite you to join them. With a bit of luck there may still be the chance to see a few bluebells and both walks will take in the major bluebell woods of Ashridge.
There will be two circular walks, one of 3 miles and the other 1.5 miles both starting and finishing at the Ashridge Monument. The first, longer walk will leave the monument at 09:00, heading out to Dockey Wood and back, aiming to get back to the monument by 11:00. Dockey Wood is a very popular bluebell wood at Ashridge and so the plan is to get there before it gets too busy. Sometimes the NT make a small charge (a few pounds) to get into the wood at key bluebell times so if you are not a member please be prepared for this or remember to bring your NT cards if you are members.
The second, shorter walk will leave the monument at 11:30, returning by 12:30. Both walks are flat but could be muddy in places. You are welcome to attend one, or both walks. For those doing both walks the plan is to have enough time to get a cup of coffee between walks. There are also toilet facilities at the Monument cafe/shop.
If you are interested please let Kim know by email: kimcarter@kimandpaul.co.uk saying which of the walks you plan to complete. The walks will be limited to groups of 25, after which a reserves list will be held in case anyone drops out. If you are keen to attend a walk sometime but unable to make this one please also get in touch with Kim advising what distance you would prefer and when in the week is most convenient. They plan to organise a second walk later this year and this will help in the planning.